Monday, December 13, 2010

The way to eat and wouldnt cause fat.

OMG!!!Say NO NO to them.But how??!!Tempting tempting much ya:/

I was desperate to slim down as I grow 5kg in 2 years time. When I went back to agent few days ago, he complain me like hell. I should really take it as serious issue. Nothing big different actually.But my face become puffy, thigh become fat, pelvic grow wider(equal to fat ass), big tummy thats all.The saddest thing is my 26cm jean no longer can fit me anymore.*cry* My dream body is like Candice Swanepoel. Think now I am further thousands steps to achieve that kind of body:[

For us(girls) who want to be fat.We all want slim and hot body dont we?? If you want to slim,you need to eat properly. What exactly mean by eat properly?? Well, balance diet is a MUST. If you think junk food can replace proper mean to achieve SLIM, you're dead WRONG. For a balance diet include 5 classes of food which are carbohydrates,protein,fat,minerals,water and fibres. Of course the correct proportion we consume is very important to keep our body healthy and at the same time for us to be slim.

Look,sometimes we just dont know how many calories should we consume per days. It kinda hard for us to calculate the calories sometimes,unless the food we eat stated clearly along w/ nutrition facts,agree?? Besides, for those who is "tam-chiak" just like me will find that diet is very painful because need to stay away from FOOD!!!! Wokay, actually no need to worry now. My mom told me a superb way to eat while here I am going to share:D

One question: How you eat your meal everyday?? I mean as in sequence. For me I will eat whatever I feel like to eat.Maybe today I feel like eat fish first,the next meal maybe not. But one thing is quite consistence is that I leave soup and fruit after I finished everything. After my mom told me, I was damn shocked. I never thought that eating sequence can cause fat/slim. The correct sequence should be soup>vege>egg>bean >fish>meat>rice. Is your eating sequence correct?? LOL

Why we need to eat like this?? This is because the different food in our stomach take different time to digest.As we know,food digest in stomach,after that small intestine than large intestine.To excrete everything out from our body take asbout 24-48 hours.Therefore most of the food are absorb in our small intestine and digest. Say it in a simple way, the more we able to absorb,the more easier we get fat.

Solid food take about 10-20 min for small intestine to absorb.Therefore it take about 4-8hrs to completely excrete from our body.

Fruits: Fruits contain a lot of fructose which contain enzyme help in digest. The fruit we eat take about 20-30min to reach small intestine and being completely absorb. Therefore, the vitamins and nutrients of fruit can be transport through the blood vessel to our body for used.

Vegetables: Contain high fibres can prevent us from feeling hunger.This fibres take about 2-3 hrs for our stomach to digest. Actually dietary fibre cannot be digested by our body enzyme.No digestion= No absorption. We don’t have this specific kind of enzyme in our body.So,fibres we eat will be completely excrete from our body in the end.

Starch and carbohydrate take about 3-4 hours to digest.Protein after broke down into amino acids take about 4-8 hrs to digest.(meat take the longer time)

Can you believe I used this method for one week and slim down 0.7kg?? o.O" teehee~

I still eat like usual along w/ some easy exercise of course.This is just a beginning.I need to cut down many many more kg. Long to go weh.sigh*

Try it out today,you may feel the different.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Music in the air ♬ ♪

Couldnt sleep at all. Done with Nougats and hot chicken soup still can not sleep.Well,here I am to share some music. After Fireflies, Vanilla Twilight, and Umbrella Beach the new Owl City song is called Peppermint Winter.They sure how to come up with unique song titles. LOL

Peppermint Winter - Owl City

There's the snow
Look out below
And bundle up
Cause here it comes
Run outside
So starry eyed
A snowball fight breaks out
And winter has finally begun

I twirl through the driveway with angelic grace
Till I slip on the sidewalk and fall on my face
This peppermint winter is so sugar sweet
I don't need to taste to believe
What's December without Christmas Eve

Hop in the sleigh
And we'll glide away
Into the night
And we'll sip on moonlight
Runny nose
My frosty toes
Are getting cold but I feel alive
So I smile wide

The snowflakes start falling and I start to float
[ From: ]
Till my mean older brother stuffs snow down my coat
This peppermint winter is so sugar sweet
I don't need to taste to believe
What's December without Christmas Eve

All this holiday cheer
Heaven knows where it goes
But it returns every year
And though this winter does nothing but storm
The joy in my heart is ablaze and it's keeping me warm
It's keeping me warm
It's keeping me warm

I rip off the wrapping and tear through the box
Till I end up with 45 new pairs of socks
This peppermint winter is so sugar sweet
I don't need to taste to believe
What's December without Christmas Eve

Augustana - Sunday Best

I just addicted to this song recently.Repeated over and over again before sleep.-.-
Nahh, best way to kill insomnia.bleh*

When I'm coming over Sunday
and I think about you all the time,
I wonder what you're doin
I wonder why you never cry,
When Boston's always raining,
And we never ever seemed alive,
I sung about you once now, I guess I might as well


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sticky Rock Candy

I love candy since young.I eat damn a lot of sweet and choc that is why I got tooth decay in young age.Hey friends,if you still can recall your memory, I dont have posterior teeth during kindergarden.Can imagine??ahaha.
Anyway, no matter how big the effect it bring to my teeth,I DONT CARE lah.I just addicted to Sticky.Duhh.
Hello peeps, Sticky is in MALAYSIA!!!!!*scream* Sticky is originated from Aussie. When Sticky open NEW shop at S'pore, I was damn desperate they could open one shop in Malaysia as well.You know pray hard for Sticky come to Malaysia.*exaggerate* pfft.

Sticky is traditional hand-made rock candy.All their candy are made by their expert on spot. You can choose the flavour you like and customize your own candy. In order to customize your own candy,you need minimum 6kg per order.6kg=240bottles of candy.OMFG right.Imagine you finished all the candy, all the 6kg of sugar convert into glucose,deduct some used glucose and some may convert into glycogen,your body still have excess "SUGAR".Diabetes may follow you few months laterXP.

You know what,I almost customized my own candy on impulse.Luckily someone stop me from doing so.I am crazy I know. I need some time to think logically before action.yay.pheww.

Candy in the process:D

Roll roll and roll.

See the size become small ady.

Ready to cut.

Final product-Sticky rock candy.

Sticky on shelves.

Sticky: BUY me buy me!!!! XD

After Sticky,went to eat brunch.

I look like ghost on that days so didnt take much photo.Heavy dark circles and serious eyebags.somemore my face was so puffy.*shot and die* X_X

Till next <3

Sunday, December 5, 2010


A place fulled of local culture and history.The oldest city in Malaysia.People may called it History C-tee.What place is that??? yay,is MALACCA.I remembered the very last time I visited Malacca was during my school trip.Two years ago I suppose.Finally had chance to visit this city again.

Nothing better to do in the car.ahaha.

From Kay-elle to Malacca roughly took about 1hrs45min. EAT during the whole journal.Fat until can really go to bang the wall.You know nothing special about Malacca besides history and FOOD.So,once we reached this city,put our belonging at friend's house,heading to eat.

Normally satay we can get is from Malay.The satay is either chicken or beef.But in Malacca, they have pork satay.Besides that,intestine and liver used to make satay as well.I personally dont like to eat pork.I cant tahan the heavy pork-smell.For this pork-satay right,dont have the pork-smell.Maybe after marinate with their special spices so can be accepted by me.Of course the intestine and liver satay will never be my choice no matter how tasty they are.I DONT EAT INTERNAL

I dont really know the address.What I know is walking distant from A Famosa.PHAILED =.=

Their satay sauce is more diluted if compare to Malay's satay sauce.

Pork satay,intestine and liver satay.

At the same night we had birthday celebration.You know birthday celebration cant avoid from alcohol.I enjoy watching people get drunk as drunker act funny,talk funny.I always get amused myself with drunkers.aahaha.When people get high,they can do anything.Have you try sucking helium??Is my first time saw people play with helium.EFFECT:Talk like Chipmunks.ROFLROFL.Too bad I didnt take any video on that night.wasted*

The next days,we continued our food trip at Malacca.Before I went Malacca, what's come into my mind was Nyonya n' Baba's cuisine.I know right,Penang also got Nyonya n' Baba.BUT I never tried before:/ Fine,when I go back Penang I'll definitely go to eat:P

Malacca chicken rice balls is super famous.Chicken rice balls is a must-eat-food when you visiting Malacca.Of course there are a lot of shop serving chicken rice balls BUT not all are nice. Actually I dont feel any specialty about it.Its merely chicken rice roll into ball shape.But since only Malacca have typical chicken rice balls to eat,why not give a

Located at Jonker Walk.

Chicken rice balls.

The bill for 8 pax.Cheap or expensive judge yourself.

After brunch,we had cendol for dessert.It is not really same as Penang's cendol. Malacca's cendol serve extra with small sago.Besides that,the gula Malaka they used to make cendol is eff nice. Penang's cendol and Malacca's cendol are different style.Penang's cendol taste salty a bit while Malacca's cendol taste sweet.

This is at JW also. Quite crowded in the shop.BUT we didnt went in there.

Nahhh,this is the one we went to.They serve Nyonya n' Baba's food.Its adjacent of Malacca's river if not mistaken.

So called Malacca's river.

Tadaaaa~ Malacca's cendol.

High tea at Nadeje.

Malacca's layer cake.Actually is a Japanese's style layer cake.

Original flavour layer cake and cream puff.

OMG,like this layer cake99.Layer cakes are serve in different flavour based on customer's preference.I like the original the most.You know girls cant really resist dessert.Ate too much and the cream make my stomach so sick.*berrygood*

Nadeje Address:
G-23&25, Jln PM4,
Plaza Mahkota,
75000 Melaka
TEL: 06-2838750

At night,went for seafood at a unknown street.Not really seafood.But I dont know what are they also.Lets photo talk:P

See the crowd??Heard that "A Sian" visited here before.
Located nearby "red ant" shops.Idky the street got so many shops called "red ants".

Everywhere can see loklok right?? But I beg not many of us had try satay celuk.We dont use BOILING WATER to cook our foods but used BOILING SATAY SAUCE to cook.That is satay celuk.

Many Singapore's actress n' actors visited here before.Aiyoo,this actually no need to say lah.Once you step in the shop can see poster and photos

Its self-service. Take as much as you can eat:P


My fav BIG prawn.

After stomach-treat,we went for a short walk at JW.For a bazaar type shopping spree while in Melacca, don’t miss the JW night market!
Lets my photos show you part of the night of Malacca.

Finally,ended my post w/ St.Paul's Hill(A Famosa).

I really appreciate that Wayne make my trip happening.Many many thank you. I cant wait for my next visit to Malacca.Malacca is actually a very nice city which fulled of memory and history.Not only the history you can get from the books. Me,myself shared a lot of memory with this special city.(not reveal)


Thursday, December 2, 2010

I LOVE Holidays

Ended my final w/ Law paper.*peace out*

Guess what,I started my new calender page w/ my final.Not cool. But you know,here come to the end.I AM FREE FROM EXAM.At least free until next!!!! I like the feeling of BURDEN-less. Like even plain water can be taste so nice.syok*

I cant believe that I successfully survive in this field until today.I had finished my Year 1 Uni just like that. Although in the middle lotsa obstacles but yay whatever.I will step in my Year 2 in 2011 which is very soon.Oh yeah!!! happy to max.

Hmmm...Holidays always the best.Here come my hols plan.
Its christmas SALE!!MUST BUY: Limited edition cosmetic sets offer on shelves.You definitely dont want to miss it coz it only come during christmas sale.

2.Travel w/ family.
Because of study have to off state,here come the holidays which I can spend the most of my time with them.<3

3.Meet up w/ my lovely friends.
Nahhh,I am not disappear.Some of friends claimed that I forgot them already.Do not keep in touch do not mean that I already forget you guys.teehee

4.Gotta learn some baking skill.
Idk,maybe just some random hobby.
.......etc etc. Many many more plan to carry on.wheeeeeee~

Off to Melaka tom.Any suggestions for Nyonya cuisine??
Rockin' hard for my holiday,woot-woot!