Monday, November 14, 2011

Short post--- Ice-cream date.

Back to last sem break, I had a date w/ them before YC left m'sia. I feel terrible as I dont really keep in touch with them. It was the first time we gather together after pre-U. Almost 2 years we didnt see each others can you imagine.lolz. Me and TK actually planned a date before. But I wasnt able to catch them up due to some stupid reason.(always) Anyway, this time we make it like once or should I say "I" make it:/

Before the night fall, I asked my bff to go Lohas. As if you got followed me at Instagram, besides froyo, I'm obsessed with bubble tea. Specially Ochado milk tea. Think I kinda get over Chatime. I prefer Gong Cha over Chatime; Ochado rather than Gong Cha. See the rank? XDXD Talk about Lohas, I think Lohas has the nicest milk tea if compared to other milk tea which has the same price range. If you're not a fan of milk tea, their yakult drinks are super tasty as well.

Bff w/ her yakult drink.

I was busy playing with the phone :P

At night, we decided to chill at HD. we looked at the menu for quite few minutes to decide what should we order as before that we had our dinner already. It was damn effin fulled but still we decided to order fondue at last. (fat girl win)



HD ice-cream..

Standard size fondue shared by 4 girls after sumptuous dinner. Aint kidding.

Like happy kids after ice-cream;))
TK, sorry that I cant find the email you had sent me. And this is the only group photo I found in my cam. sigh.

Hope that we can meet again soon:D

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hey yo!!
Finally come to my mid-sem break... I was stuck w/ my tests and assignments during our Raya holiday and got no chance to go back home. You have no idea how much I missed mom's home-cooked dishes. I missed every morning, there is breakfast ready for me on the tables; I missed my lunch served on time as always; I missed mom's pastries; I missed whenever my dad come back from work, he will brings us go for dinner and I am the one who choose what and where to eat. I specially love the night of weekend as I can get supper at my favorite mamak's stall. (Sound like I missed the "food" more than my family! Oppss....)

Prove you more, as if you got follow me at Instagram, you will know how terrible am I. (read: Instagram only consists 40% of them) Got one time, I finished steamboat buffet w/ those new girls then continue chit-chatting session at Starbucks. I ordered (L) Frap double w/ chocolate chips and whip cream, guess what, I questioned by them on spot and that make me feel a lil embarrassing. *tamjiak-ness attack* I'm failed to be a girl.

Ohh well, should stop my stupid crap. Look at below.....






OMG!! It is dessert! Like again?! meh! I didnt really run away from the "food" topic. *shoot and die*
But you just have to trust me this is fawesome!! I had them 3 days in a row, insane or what, duhh! I somehow think that it tastes way better than Snowflakes. hmmmm...

ZenQ Signature: Taro,Ocha,sweet potato balls, pearls, crystal noodle and jelly all are my favourite. *thumb up* (Read: I fancy chewy stuff) Teeheee~

Fatie Natie Bom Bom~~

Me having hot red bean soup.Besides red bean,there are crystal noodles, taro balls and pearls as well. How to say NO jek.

Wokay, gotta stop here. Btw, I'm having Alexis Tiramisu to suppress my ZenQ "addiction" now. Pic show at Instagram kay? *wink wink*


Thursday, August 4, 2011

ime flies. Here come to the 3rd weeks of my 2nd sem. Truck load of assignments and test coming in a row give me breathless. You know the amazing thing that can hold the string between people during this hectic life is that we actually share common interest. The interest I'm talking about is FOOD.aha. Tell me who dont like food?I'm craving for Italian cuisine recently. I cannot believe that there is a restaurant served Italian style of antipasti (starters) buffet atKL w/ super reasonable and affordable price until I actually pay a visit to the place few days ago.. The restaurant is located within a super nice white building together w/ PapaRich. Oh well, I seriously curious about how come PapaRich is inside this building. For those who had tried this Spasso Milano Italian buffet should know what I mean:P

What surprise me the most is that there was 2 security guard came and opened the car door for us politely. The way they spoke to us really impress me. You see the money you gonna spend and the service you get show contrary man.Finding the location of this restaurant wasted a lot of time.When I reached there, I was like so eff excited that I can finally fed my stomach.FML.

It is not like a very luxury restaurant even though it located within a super nice bungalow building. All the decoration is based on simple and comfortable. Environment is clean and quiet. About the food, not many variety.

Menu for main course. Addition RM3-RM12 for the main course.

The first thing I do was checked their dessert out:P
White Choc Mousse is a MUST. *wink wink*

Move on to all my "likey" dishes.
Vegetable Frittata.

Different thing from the Veg Frit. It called Vegetables Salt Cake.
Their taste more or less the same juz that this Veg Salt Cake more like a pie. And the butter smell make me love this better than Veg.Fet.

Today I get the olive dressing mussel. Heard that they cooked this mussel in different way each days.

Tadaaaaa......Food on our plate.
Baked cheese cauliflower, pasta and garlic lala.

Fried chicken, Eggs w/ smoked salmon sauce, Frit w/ chicken and mushroom and some Baked vegetable aromatized w. Oregano.

Eggplant Parmegiana style, Potato Croquettes, Garlic Focaccla, Pizza Aromatized and Tomato Basil dressing fish.

Cauliflower Soup. *thumb up*.
Besides the yellow one is Carrot Soup NOT Pumpkin, thank you.

Our main course:
Pan-fried fillet of fish w/ Lemon herbs sauce.

Pan-searched chicken fillet w/ White wine sauce

Linguine w/ four cheese sauce.

Among three of them, I think the best would be Linguine w/ four cheese sauce. Never Ever order their FISH. No matter how they cook the fish, there is a terrible smell w/ the fish. We couldnt finished the fish fillet as the taste is horrible.

Irresistible dessert and fruits:))
White chocolate mousses is fawesome. My friends and I found that it taste 40% like the China White Rabbit candy.

Fan of Panna Cotta;))

Guess how much you need to pay for the buffet? The answer is RM18++ add RM3 for main course, total is RM21++. Worth or not? ngek ngek ngek. Know that this restaurant will keep changing their daily serves dishes. So maybe by the time you guys visit this restaurant, you will get different dishes and dessert from mine:P

Before heading back home never forget to drop by Snowflake. Teehee.....

NEW Sesame Sensation. Rating:2/5
I like the Sesame ball but the peanut ice make me sick. Have I mention that the black stuff is baby pearl?? aha.CocoLoco quite tasty but this Sesame Sensation disappointed me 99. Think next time I will just stick to my usual order.

Oh well, by the time I finished typing this post, I feel like having Gong Cha. Darn!! How come I never learned how to control my body weigh. pfft. Fine fine, I dont want to torture myself w/ diet plan either.bleh.

- Love

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I leave my blog grow spider web like again. This time w/ dust. wtf. Back to hometown for 3 days but not even 1 day I can sit down properly to rest. Dont know what the hell I busy with pun. But seriously, I feel guilty w/ this kinda of "book-less" life as I used to study for exam aldy. Like suddenly become too free, no need to worry about uni stuff become very much unusual,weird. Anyway, I should enjoy my sem break b4 I start a new sem. You know I will. Teeheee. I gotta start packing for my next trip this coming friday which is damn annoy. I hate packing like seriously.I feel there is always not enough of cloth and I have no idea what should I bring.Then after that have to unpacked again. lol.

Speaking about sem break, like usual, shopping shopping and shopping. Then, food food and food hunting. I hate when I save up a lot of money and refrain from shopping for a long time. Eventually after I save a lot and someone asks me to go to the mall with them I go crazy and full out go on a shopping spree.I'm actually suppose to be saving more money for my HK trip this winter, but going to the mall isn't helping at all, especially with summer styles coming out, it's so difficult to stop myself!

I dont know how to avoid shopping. Like live under a rock and DO NOT read fashion magazines maybe? (but so easy to do,mehh) Seriously I think that's why I always end up ordering so much stuff from everywhere. Stupid new super cute trends always arise and tempt people like me to buy! No bueno at alll. But "with every rule/regulation comes an exception", I'm kidding, I'm a total hypocrite hehe. I ordered a shit load of cloths from UK website last month which bleed my purse 99. Coz you know if you order too lil things, the international deliver fee is high. So I think is worth to buy more stuff in one shot and (if there is) to better share w/ friends. lol. And now most of the website having SALE. Damnit. My money havent even print out here come to spend again! wtf.

By the way, I found that my sweet tooth getting serious. Everytime after meal must have dessert to eat. My top record is froyo everyday and 2 milktea per day. Ohh, one more,I can finished one dozen of macaron in one shot. *applause* meh! I just cant help myself. Diabetes and obesity will fall in love w/ me soon:/ Whatever!!

Before I end my post, here is one of my fav café- Mermalade Café.

Banoffee Cheese Cake

For those who like cheese cake is worth a try. The yellow sauce on top is butterscotch sauce, eat together w/ freshly cut banana is mad yummy.

All time favourite.- Butter and bread.

Whenever I go if I see this on their menu, I’ll definitely order it. The most important is it wouldnt be too sweet.Perfectly design for those ppl who dont like overload "sweet" taste.


There are so many variations of carbonara which I cant even differentiate which is the most typical one. But one thing I can tell is that their carbonara is good. See the creamy sauce coating the spaghetti? *thumb up*

Time for some healthy dish.

At first I was about to order wholemeal beef burger but at last I choose not to eat beef for idky.

Sandwich served w/ chicken ham,cheese,egg, bacon, homemade sauce and honey. Luckily this sandwich didnt disappointed me.It may look simple but it taste really great.

Thats all!

Till next

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Heading to library during the break has become my daily routine. Damn those contact lenses. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have to leave the library prematurely. I was struggling to read through the hazy veil that clung to my contacts upon hours of close-up with my lecture slides. So I decided to come home to give my poor peepers a rest. But guess where’s the first place I head to? Right in front of my computer, that’s right! Eyes are stinging a little but as long as I’m not facing my books, I’ll make allowances.

That is why I opted to do things a lil differently this time. Like, going to the library in hopes of scoring more productive studying hours. It has miraculously worked. I’m not as dependent on my “mugging essentials” as I thought I was: comfy outfit, water within reach, snacks to nibble on, all my stationeries. Nowadays I get by by secretly smuggling a cookie or two or if I’m lucky, I’d make it pass the information desk with a cup of coffee without having that anal library staff scream “no food and drinks in the library!!!!” at me. What is with that stinking rule, really?! Though I still get distracted by the sound of shuffling papers at the next table and by the moving shadows of a passer-by, I try. FML.

Well, basically my main purpose is to show some of my vain pixes to destress besides keep excusing for not study~

Thats all! Actually I have more, just dont want to hurt you eyes.Bleh

-Till next.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I am BACK!!

Go wild----Stressssssssssss X_X

My apologies for the lack of update, especially if you return to my blog on a daily basis just to check if I've posted. It's like I have so much to blog and share that I don't know where to start. And that makes me not wanna blog at all. It feels like I'm going through that phase again. The phase where I lose interest in blogging after being away from my laptop for a good while.I think this is the disadvantage of having a smart phone besides and it had make my life or should I say our life much more easier even though w/o lappy. Besides, I update my twitter very much often than blog and if you would like to know more about just FOLLOW ME AT TWITTER. Teehee~

I had back in Kay Elle for almost 3 weeks. At this moment,I'm slowly settling into the drone of routine but it's not that kind of routine that I want. Right now,this routine of mine lacks discipline and consistency, which are the no-no's in juggling act of a life-study-work-balance. I always start up the new semester hopeful,like planning my time-table but ended up w/ nil result as my old lazy behavior.

I wouldn't want to lie about that I'm happy to be thrown back to Kay Elle after a very long summer break. But I'm in a lil bit of a disarrayed mess. Its like I have so many many things that I havent done and people that I havent met. I feel that the time I spend w/ my family is always not enough. Damn homesick now can.

But what else can I do. Tons of assignment and lessons need to follow up and I cant go back home that often. I have weekly assignment to pass up and very soon I need to sit for my mid-yrs test. I really need to learn hard how to cope w/ my personal emotion and get my effin' mind concentrate on my studies! Second year of Uni aint easy at all. Especially I gotta deal w/ my weakness and adapt to the new environment. Things never goes easy anymore. Wish I could back to childhood-alike-lifestyle.*big sigh*

Did I mention that I suck at socialize w/ people? Yeah,I have difficulty to make friends. I am not arrogant or lanC okay? Just that I dont know how to move my first step. lol. Well, its all about destiny and fate. Its nothing can I do on it right? hmmmmmm~ wokay,maybe I try to be more friendly la kay.

Until here, I think my life is pretty tedious. Anyway, shopping and food like some kind of power supplement for me to continue living. Oh ya, talk about food, I kinda disappointed w/ Jogoya buffet even though I dont understand why so many people like to go Jogoya. I have tried their lunch,dinner and supper and expected that they served typically Japanese cuisine but the reality is chinese mixed w/ japanese. I would say,if you spend the same amount of money, you can eat very fine and sumptuous meal no matter you want it as Chinese cuisine or Japanese cuisine at restaurant.

Then you'll wondering why I still visit Jogoya three times since I said disappointed, the answer is simple:I get influence by public. Thing like this, when the first time I visited Jogoya, I went for their dinner which is quite some time ady. Then 2nd time,I went for lunch as they have Buy1 FREE1 promotion this month. The 3rd time I heard ppl said lunch not nice,supper is nice,then went again for supper this time. Well, after everything, I will stand still on my opinion. I am the person who willing to spend on food and of course I want the food I spend on worth the money. Different people have different way to value thing. So,everything back to the person itself.

Till next!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

THINK before you DO!

People often say that if a man has a one-night stand, he'd be celebrating his victory the following day and will receive high fives from friends.
But if a woman has a one-night stand, she either must have been looking for more, and was fooled, or she made a terrible mistake.

That, however, is not always the case.

Twenty-year-old Adrian* used to be a frequent clubber and was at this dance club one Friday night with his bunch of friends, where he met sexy, flirtatious Jane. They hit it off almost instantly and she followed him back to his place for a one-night stand.

Adrian woke up the next morning with a terrible hangover to find Jane already gone. He wasn't bothered, of course. I mean, when a guy and a girl meets at some place (usually dance club) and decides to have a one-night stand, the next day either party would leave without saying anything and that's pretty normal.It wasn't until he stepped into his toilet, to find these words, printed on his mirror, in bright red lipstick -

Adrian stood there shocked, and at the same time, hoping it was only a joke she wanted to pull on him. He nonetheless got himself tested, and the results came back proving him to be HIV positive.His world came crumbling down and Adrian had no idea what to do. He didn't know who she was. In fact, he was so tipsy that night, he could barely even remember how Jane looks like.

I mean, if you're hooking up with someone for one night of sex with no strings attached, it's only normal not to exchange any personal info with them so they can't track you down and stalk you later.It was the same with Jane. He didn't have her phone number, let alone any information about her. Even if he did though, there was nothing that he could do to turn back time.

I feel sorry for Adrian. He's only the same age as I am, and he had such a long way to go in life... Until he encountered Jane.

Imagine yourself in his shoes, knowing that you only have ten years more or so to live... Just because of that few hours of pleasure. That one-night stand must be the one thing he regretted doing for the rest of his life. His life is ruined overnight just like that.

Jane must have been transmitted with AIDS by some ruthless bastard, and was out to take revenge. Adrian could possibly be just one of her many other victims. And may I add that there are plenty out there like Jane? You'll never know if the next cute guy/girl you hit at the club is HIV-infected or not.

So people, before you let yourself lose control, think twice about the consequences. What's the fun of banging some stranger for a couple of minutes of pleasure, and taking the risk of being infected with STDs?

Friday, February 18, 2011

February 14 has become the date for exchanging love pressie and a celebration of St. Valentine. A little love message can actually warm the lover’s heart. I know,I know girls always waiting for something special happened on this date. We, girls like romance. Noone can deny. But right, chicks happy, guys pity.ahah. Worth or not based on personal perception. In fact, Valentines ranks second only to Christmas in number of greeting cards sent. Wondering why not CNY? Duhhh.

Wokay, start from this point, if you don’t wish to continue please leave. Especially for diet girls. Not to say that I didn’t warn you guys early on. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Teehee.

I went there to cure my morning crave

Penang Fried Oyster. Someone found it oily but for me it is the best.

Look at the BIG shrimp, drooling or not:P *thumb up*

Yeahhh, my order. wheeee~

ABC w/ two scoops of peanut ice-cream. Normally is one scoop only but the aunty gimme extra one. Lovely.

At night, went to Chilis for dinner. The restaurant is a mess on that day and you know why.duhh.

My fav chip.

Another NEW Froyo's shop opened at island.

Tadaaa~ FRoyo is my LOVE. SEcond cup of the day XP

Hub snapped me while I was taking his photo ♥♥


I want more. yum yum

After movie, wanted supper somemore. Purposely save our stomach by not eating popcorn in de cinema. slap*

Here we went for Raja Uda's Curry Mee.

Side dish:Curry Chicken add sotong. One word: Perfect!!!

The food is killing? NO?? Anyway, many thankiewww to my hub. Thanks for making me FAT. No nahh, Thanks for giving me such a memorable Valentine's Day.haha.

Opps,wondering what is my Valentine's pressie? But am not going to reveal at here.Maybe I'll upload to my FB's album. sneaky*:P

- ♥♥

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.

So here's to the crap we talk,
The guys we talk,
The way we shop,
Laugh we cant stop,
The gossip we spill,
The looks that could kills,
We'll stay forever,
Coz we're best friend FOREVER.

p/s: Thanks bestie for Baby CHipmunk.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hot weather has gotten me down for too long. I have no mood to take photos and so I dont feel like update my blog. Or maybe should I say that nothing special in my life, nothing exciting happen,so yay.......

CNY is all about food and drink. Of course the most important role is "ang pao". Back to the food and drink, I think I had too much cny's cookies and stuff,I get dry lips (dry until bleed) and pimples-forehead. X_X Not like one or two pimples.Fulled of small and fugly pimples or white head on my forehead. The worst is all beauty saloon close during cny and I cant do anything on it. Seriously, I want to tear off my "old skin" and replace a new one if I can. FML 99.Grrrrr~

Whatever!! Dont talk about sad thing anymore. pfft. So how you guys spend your CNY? I don’t like going out during cny coz everywhere is so packed. Not to mention about cinema. I went to cinema when “chu 1” and guess what, the queue was damn long and most of it was fulled. Then the second day,I tried again. This time I being smart, planned to do online reservation first instead of went there directly to buy. But since everyone is as “smart” as me, same result applied on me again:[ I ended up stay home playing :S

Basically my cny rounded w/ eat,drink and play. CNY eve, twice steamboat in a day. CNY 1st day, vegetarian steamboat. ONLY day 1 but I feel sick ady. Actually I don’t understand why we need to eat steamboat in a hot day. Even w/ the air-con turn on, I still feel hot can?! Don’t know when can we change the culture:/ My 2nd day was a good start I suppose. No more steamboat. *applause* I had spaghetti and carbonara at Granny’s house:D

Guess what is this?

My very first time to try out this food and “yuck”. I cannot accept. I just don’t know how to taste them maybe. Sorry.

At night, we had reunion dinner(again) and the leftover dishes can really feed a village of ppl. (Aint kidding)

After eating, what is next?? Yeah, PLAY. CNY w/o firecrackers is like human w/o heart. (Ignore my simile.lameeeee) When I was young, I like to play firecrackers. Every year will buy a huge box of firecrackers to play. I enjoyed buying variety of firecrackers for idky. Then I will gather all my couzzie or friends to play. In other words, I like to burn money when I was young. Some more like to influence other people. Their parents must be hate me last time.(whatever :S)

Now, no more. Change habit ady:P I had passed my gens to the young generation.(not like I’m that old pun, bleh) Besides firecrackers is poker card. CNY macam very dai sai one. Gambling and firecrackers are in legal form during cny, NO?? But I had lose money, very sum tong . The money can get myself one cup of froyo dy. Sum tong sei lo. Anyway, I do had fun w/ them. Sometimes we just cant buy anything w/ money:P

Lastly ended my post w/ Day 1 photo.

Otw to "bai nian" w/ super happy mood for no reason I guess

Proud of my lip. But nawhh, NOT ANYMORE. sad max:(

(=' ;')

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hair style.

I am thinking to get a NEW hairstyle recently. I want to have a brand new look for this year.You know I kind of cannot accept that I actually reached 20 already.bleh.
I want to try new thing in my life.Therefore I hav been busy for surfing this days. And guess what I found?? I ended up searching Emma I bet most of us know Emma Watson. Somemore she is so pretty,who dont know her

Lets see what Emma Watson had done to her hair over this years.

L: Blond with a neutral eye and red lip (2008)
R: Brown with a smoky eye and nude lip (2009)

L: Straight (2006)
R: Side-swept (2008)

L: Tousled updo (2007)
R: Side plait (2010)

L: Full and blond (2007)
R: Sleek and auburn (2010)

L: Half-updo (2005)
R: Updo (2009)

L: Feathery bangs paired with classic red lips (2010)
R: Slick and parted with pale pink lips (2010)

I super like her make-up in (R) photo. I think MAC come out one series to achieve this kind of look recently.It is limited edition and not available in M'sia.cmiao

After comparing, what do you think??? I prefer Emma Watson w/ wavy hair actually. I am impress w/ her boyish-hair. Not many girls would go for this hairstyle including Anyway,I still dont know what hairstyle to change. Maybe will dye and cut shorter will do.*lousy* pfft.
