Friday, August 26, 2011

Hey yo!!
Finally come to my mid-sem break... I was stuck w/ my tests and assignments during our Raya holiday and got no chance to go back home. You have no idea how much I missed mom's home-cooked dishes. I missed every morning, there is breakfast ready for me on the tables; I missed my lunch served on time as always; I missed mom's pastries; I missed whenever my dad come back from work, he will brings us go for dinner and I am the one who choose what and where to eat. I specially love the night of weekend as I can get supper at my favorite mamak's stall. (Sound like I missed the "food" more than my family! Oppss....)

Prove you more, as if you got follow me at Instagram, you will know how terrible am I. (read: Instagram only consists 40% of them) Got one time, I finished steamboat buffet w/ those new girls then continue chit-chatting session at Starbucks. I ordered (L) Frap double w/ chocolate chips and whip cream, guess what, I questioned by them on spot and that make me feel a lil embarrassing. *tamjiak-ness attack* I'm failed to be a girl.

Ohh well, should stop my stupid crap. Look at below.....






OMG!! It is dessert! Like again?! meh! I didnt really run away from the "food" topic. *shoot and die*
But you just have to trust me this is fawesome!! I had them 3 days in a row, insane or what, duhh! I somehow think that it tastes way better than Snowflakes. hmmmm...

ZenQ Signature: Taro,Ocha,sweet potato balls, pearls, crystal noodle and jelly all are my favourite. *thumb up* (Read: I fancy chewy stuff) Teeheee~

Fatie Natie Bom Bom~~

Me having hot red bean soup.Besides red bean,there are crystal noodles, taro balls and pearls as well. How to say NO jek.

Wokay, gotta stop here. Btw, I'm having Alexis Tiramisu to suppress my ZenQ "addiction" now. Pic show at Instagram kay? *wink wink*


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