Friday, February 18, 2011

February 14 has become the date for exchanging love pressie and a celebration of St. Valentine. A little love message can actually warm the lover’s heart. I know,I know girls always waiting for something special happened on this date. We, girls like romance. Noone can deny. But right, chicks happy, guys pity.ahah. Worth or not based on personal perception. In fact, Valentines ranks second only to Christmas in number of greeting cards sent. Wondering why not CNY? Duhhh.

Wokay, start from this point, if you don’t wish to continue please leave. Especially for diet girls. Not to say that I didn’t warn you guys early on. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Teehee.

I went there to cure my morning crave

Penang Fried Oyster. Someone found it oily but for me it is the best.

Look at the BIG shrimp, drooling or not:P *thumb up*

Yeahhh, my order. wheeee~

ABC w/ two scoops of peanut ice-cream. Normally is one scoop only but the aunty gimme extra one. Lovely.

At night, went to Chilis for dinner. The restaurant is a mess on that day and you know why.duhh.

My fav chip.

Another NEW Froyo's shop opened at island.

Tadaaa~ FRoyo is my LOVE. SEcond cup of the day XP

Hub snapped me while I was taking his photo ♥♥


I want more. yum yum

After movie, wanted supper somemore. Purposely save our stomach by not eating popcorn in de cinema. slap*

Here we went for Raja Uda's Curry Mee.

Side dish:Curry Chicken add sotong. One word: Perfect!!!

The food is killing? NO?? Anyway, many thankiewww to my hub. Thanks for making me FAT. No nahh, Thanks for giving me such a memorable Valentine's Day.haha.

Opps,wondering what is my Valentine's pressie? But am not going to reveal at here.Maybe I'll upload to my FB's album. sneaky*:P

- ♥♥

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