ime flies. Here come to the 3rd weeks of my 2nd sem. Truck load of assignments and test coming in a row give me breathless. You know the amazing thing that can hold the string between people during this hectic life is that we actually share common interest. The interest I'm talking about is FOOD.aha. Tell me who dont like food?I'm craving for Italian cuisine recently. I cannot believe that there is a restaurant served Italian style of antipasti (starters) buffet atKL w/ super reasonable and affordable price until I actually pay a visit to the place few days ago.. The restaurant is located within a super nice white building together w/ PapaRich. Oh well, I seriously curious about how come PapaRich is inside this building. For those who had tried this Spasso Milano Italian buffet should know what I mean:P
What surprise me the most is that there was 2 security guard came and opened the car door for us politely. The way they spoke to us really impress me. You see the money you gonna spend and the service you get show contrary man.Finding the location of this restaurant wasted a lot of time.When I reached there, I was like so eff excited that I can finally fed my stomach.FML.
It is not like a very luxury restaurant even though it located within a super nice bungalow building. All the decoration is based on simple and comfortable. Environment is clean and quiet. About the food, not many variety.
Menu for main course. Addition RM3-RM12 for the main course.
The first thing I do was checked their dessert out:P
White Choc Mousse is a MUST. *wink wink*
Move on to all my "likey" dishes.
Vegetable Frittata.
Different thing from the Veg Frit. It called Vegetables Salt Cake.
Their taste more or less the same juz that this Veg Salt Cake more like a pie. And the butter smell make me love this better than Veg.Fet.
Today I get the olive dressing mussel. Heard that they cooked this mussel in different way each days.
Tadaaaaa......Food on our plate.
Baked cheese cauliflower, pasta and garlic lala.
Fried chicken, Eggs w/ smoked salmon sauce, Frit w/ chicken and mushroom and some Baked vegetable aromatized w. Oregano.
Eggplant Parmegiana style, Potato Croquettes, Garlic Focaccla, Pizza Aromatized and Tomato Basil dressing fish.
Cauliflower Soup. *thumb up*.
Besides the yellow one is Carrot Soup NOT Pumpkin, thank you.
Our main course:
Pan-fried fillet of fish w/ Lemon herbs sauce.
Pan-searched chicken fillet w/ White wine sauce
Linguine w/ four cheese sauce.
Among three of them, I think the best would be Linguine w/ four cheese sauce. Never Ever order their FISH. No matter how they cook the fish, there is a terrible smell w/ the fish. We couldnt finished the fish fillet as the taste is horrible.
Irresistible dessert and fruits:))
White chocolate mousses is fawesome. My friends and I found that it taste 40% like the China White Rabbit candy.
Fan of Panna Cotta;))
Guess how much you need to pay for the buffet? The answer is RM18++ add RM3 for main course, total is RM21++. Worth or not? ngek ngek ngek. Know that this restaurant will keep changing their daily serves dishes. So maybe by the time you guys visit this restaurant, you will get different dishes and dessert from mine:P
Before heading back home never forget to drop by Snowflake. Teehee.....
NEW Sesame Sensation. Rating:2/5
I like the Sesame ball but the peanut ice make me sick. Have I mention that the black stuff is baby pearl?? aha.CocoLoco quite tasty but this Sesame Sensation disappointed me 99. Think next time I will just stick to my usual order.
Oh well, by the time I finished typing this post, I feel like having Gong Cha. Darn!! How come I never learned how to control my body weigh. pfft. Fine fine, I dont want to torture myself w/ diet plan either.bleh.
- Love♥