Friday, February 18, 2011

February 14 has become the date for exchanging love pressie and a celebration of St. Valentine. A little love message can actually warm the lover’s heart. I know,I know girls always waiting for something special happened on this date. We, girls like romance. Noone can deny. But right, chicks happy, guys pity.ahah. Worth or not based on personal perception. In fact, Valentines ranks second only to Christmas in number of greeting cards sent. Wondering why not CNY? Duhhh.

Wokay, start from this point, if you don’t wish to continue please leave. Especially for diet girls. Not to say that I didn’t warn you guys early on. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Teehee.

I went there to cure my morning crave

Penang Fried Oyster. Someone found it oily but for me it is the best.

Look at the BIG shrimp, drooling or not:P *thumb up*

Yeahhh, my order. wheeee~

ABC w/ two scoops of peanut ice-cream. Normally is one scoop only but the aunty gimme extra one. Lovely.

At night, went to Chilis for dinner. The restaurant is a mess on that day and you know why.duhh.

My fav chip.

Another NEW Froyo's shop opened at island.

Tadaaa~ FRoyo is my LOVE. SEcond cup of the day XP

Hub snapped me while I was taking his photo ♥♥


I want more. yum yum

After movie, wanted supper somemore. Purposely save our stomach by not eating popcorn in de cinema. slap*

Here we went for Raja Uda's Curry Mee.

Side dish:Curry Chicken add sotong. One word: Perfect!!!

The food is killing? NO?? Anyway, many thankiewww to my hub. Thanks for making me FAT. No nahh, Thanks for giving me such a memorable Valentine's Day.haha.

Opps,wondering what is my Valentine's pressie? But am not going to reveal at here.Maybe I'll upload to my FB's album. sneaky*:P

- ♥♥

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.

So here's to the crap we talk,
The guys we talk,
The way we shop,
Laugh we cant stop,
The gossip we spill,
The looks that could kills,
We'll stay forever,
Coz we're best friend FOREVER.

p/s: Thanks bestie for Baby CHipmunk.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hot weather has gotten me down for too long. I have no mood to take photos and so I dont feel like update my blog. Or maybe should I say that nothing special in my life, nothing exciting happen,so yay.......

CNY is all about food and drink. Of course the most important role is "ang pao". Back to the food and drink, I think I had too much cny's cookies and stuff,I get dry lips (dry until bleed) and pimples-forehead. X_X Not like one or two pimples.Fulled of small and fugly pimples or white head on my forehead. The worst is all beauty saloon close during cny and I cant do anything on it. Seriously, I want to tear off my "old skin" and replace a new one if I can. FML 99.Grrrrr~

Whatever!! Dont talk about sad thing anymore. pfft. So how you guys spend your CNY? I don’t like going out during cny coz everywhere is so packed. Not to mention about cinema. I went to cinema when “chu 1” and guess what, the queue was damn long and most of it was fulled. Then the second day,I tried again. This time I being smart, planned to do online reservation first instead of went there directly to buy. But since everyone is as “smart” as me, same result applied on me again:[ I ended up stay home playing :S

Basically my cny rounded w/ eat,drink and play. CNY eve, twice steamboat in a day. CNY 1st day, vegetarian steamboat. ONLY day 1 but I feel sick ady. Actually I don’t understand why we need to eat steamboat in a hot day. Even w/ the air-con turn on, I still feel hot can?! Don’t know when can we change the culture:/ My 2nd day was a good start I suppose. No more steamboat. *applause* I had spaghetti and carbonara at Granny’s house:D

Guess what is this?

My very first time to try out this food and “yuck”. I cannot accept. I just don’t know how to taste them maybe. Sorry.

At night, we had reunion dinner(again) and the leftover dishes can really feed a village of ppl. (Aint kidding)

After eating, what is next?? Yeah, PLAY. CNY w/o firecrackers is like human w/o heart. (Ignore my simile.lameeeee) When I was young, I like to play firecrackers. Every year will buy a huge box of firecrackers to play. I enjoyed buying variety of firecrackers for idky. Then I will gather all my couzzie or friends to play. In other words, I like to burn money when I was young. Some more like to influence other people. Their parents must be hate me last time.(whatever :S)

Now, no more. Change habit ady:P I had passed my gens to the young generation.(not like I’m that old pun, bleh) Besides firecrackers is poker card. CNY macam very dai sai one. Gambling and firecrackers are in legal form during cny, NO?? But I had lose money, very sum tong . The money can get myself one cup of froyo dy. Sum tong sei lo. Anyway, I do had fun w/ them. Sometimes we just cant buy anything w/ money:P

Lastly ended my post w/ Day 1 photo.

Otw to "bai nian" w/ super happy mood for no reason I guess

Proud of my lip. But nawhh, NOT ANYMORE. sad max:(

(=' ;')