Thursday, March 24, 2011

Heading to library during the break has become my daily routine. Damn those contact lenses. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have to leave the library prematurely. I was struggling to read through the hazy veil that clung to my contacts upon hours of close-up with my lecture slides. So I decided to come home to give my poor peepers a rest. But guess where’s the first place I head to? Right in front of my computer, that’s right! Eyes are stinging a little but as long as I’m not facing my books, I’ll make allowances.

That is why I opted to do things a lil differently this time. Like, going to the library in hopes of scoring more productive studying hours. It has miraculously worked. I’m not as dependent on my “mugging essentials” as I thought I was: comfy outfit, water within reach, snacks to nibble on, all my stationeries. Nowadays I get by by secretly smuggling a cookie or two or if I’m lucky, I’d make it pass the information desk with a cup of coffee without having that anal library staff scream “no food and drinks in the library!!!!” at me. What is with that stinking rule, really?! Though I still get distracted by the sound of shuffling papers at the next table and by the moving shadows of a passer-by, I try. FML.

Well, basically my main purpose is to show some of my vain pixes to destress besides keep excusing for not study~

Thats all! Actually I have more, just dont want to hurt you eyes.Bleh

-Till next.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I am BACK!!

Go wild----Stressssssssssss X_X

My apologies for the lack of update, especially if you return to my blog on a daily basis just to check if I've posted. It's like I have so much to blog and share that I don't know where to start. And that makes me not wanna blog at all. It feels like I'm going through that phase again. The phase where I lose interest in blogging after being away from my laptop for a good while.I think this is the disadvantage of having a smart phone besides and it had make my life or should I say our life much more easier even though w/o lappy. Besides, I update my twitter very much often than blog and if you would like to know more about just FOLLOW ME AT TWITTER. Teehee~

I had back in Kay Elle for almost 3 weeks. At this moment,I'm slowly settling into the drone of routine but it's not that kind of routine that I want. Right now,this routine of mine lacks discipline and consistency, which are the no-no's in juggling act of a life-study-work-balance. I always start up the new semester hopeful,like planning my time-table but ended up w/ nil result as my old lazy behavior.

I wouldn't want to lie about that I'm happy to be thrown back to Kay Elle after a very long summer break. But I'm in a lil bit of a disarrayed mess. Its like I have so many many things that I havent done and people that I havent met. I feel that the time I spend w/ my family is always not enough. Damn homesick now can.

But what else can I do. Tons of assignment and lessons need to follow up and I cant go back home that often. I have weekly assignment to pass up and very soon I need to sit for my mid-yrs test. I really need to learn hard how to cope w/ my personal emotion and get my effin' mind concentrate on my studies! Second year of Uni aint easy at all. Especially I gotta deal w/ my weakness and adapt to the new environment. Things never goes easy anymore. Wish I could back to childhood-alike-lifestyle.*big sigh*

Did I mention that I suck at socialize w/ people? Yeah,I have difficulty to make friends. I am not arrogant or lanC okay? Just that I dont know how to move my first step. lol. Well, its all about destiny and fate. Its nothing can I do on it right? hmmmmmm~ wokay,maybe I try to be more friendly la kay.

Until here, I think my life is pretty tedious. Anyway, shopping and food like some kind of power supplement for me to continue living. Oh ya, talk about food, I kinda disappointed w/ Jogoya buffet even though I dont understand why so many people like to go Jogoya. I have tried their lunch,dinner and supper and expected that they served typically Japanese cuisine but the reality is chinese mixed w/ japanese. I would say,if you spend the same amount of money, you can eat very fine and sumptuous meal no matter you want it as Chinese cuisine or Japanese cuisine at restaurant.

Then you'll wondering why I still visit Jogoya three times since I said disappointed, the answer is simple:I get influence by public. Thing like this, when the first time I visited Jogoya, I went for their dinner which is quite some time ady. Then 2nd time,I went for lunch as they have Buy1 FREE1 promotion this month. The 3rd time I heard ppl said lunch not nice,supper is nice,then went again for supper this time. Well, after everything, I will stand still on my opinion. I am the person who willing to spend on food and of course I want the food I spend on worth the money. Different people have different way to value thing. So,everything back to the person itself.

Till next!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

THINK before you DO!

People often say that if a man has a one-night stand, he'd be celebrating his victory the following day and will receive high fives from friends.
But if a woman has a one-night stand, she either must have been looking for more, and was fooled, or she made a terrible mistake.

That, however, is not always the case.

Twenty-year-old Adrian* used to be a frequent clubber and was at this dance club one Friday night with his bunch of friends, where he met sexy, flirtatious Jane. They hit it off almost instantly and she followed him back to his place for a one-night stand.

Adrian woke up the next morning with a terrible hangover to find Jane already gone. He wasn't bothered, of course. I mean, when a guy and a girl meets at some place (usually dance club) and decides to have a one-night stand, the next day either party would leave without saying anything and that's pretty normal.It wasn't until he stepped into his toilet, to find these words, printed on his mirror, in bright red lipstick -

Adrian stood there shocked, and at the same time, hoping it was only a joke she wanted to pull on him. He nonetheless got himself tested, and the results came back proving him to be HIV positive.His world came crumbling down and Adrian had no idea what to do. He didn't know who she was. In fact, he was so tipsy that night, he could barely even remember how Jane looks like.

I mean, if you're hooking up with someone for one night of sex with no strings attached, it's only normal not to exchange any personal info with them so they can't track you down and stalk you later.It was the same with Jane. He didn't have her phone number, let alone any information about her. Even if he did though, there was nothing that he could do to turn back time.

I feel sorry for Adrian. He's only the same age as I am, and he had such a long way to go in life... Until he encountered Jane.

Imagine yourself in his shoes, knowing that you only have ten years more or so to live... Just because of that few hours of pleasure. That one-night stand must be the one thing he regretted doing for the rest of his life. His life is ruined overnight just like that.

Jane must have been transmitted with AIDS by some ruthless bastard, and was out to take revenge. Adrian could possibly be just one of her many other victims. And may I add that there are plenty out there like Jane? You'll never know if the next cute guy/girl you hit at the club is HIV-infected or not.

So people, before you let yourself lose control, think twice about the consequences. What's the fun of banging some stranger for a couple of minutes of pleasure, and taking the risk of being infected with STDs?